Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Thailand Luxury Homes is setup and designed to provide quality information and resources about local and international real estate related companies. We respect the privacy of all users of this site and listing companies and advertisers. Below is information regarding the privacy policy we have in place to protect your information and privacy.

Directory Communications to Listing Advertisers

Listing advertisers will only be sent emails upon submission of a listing, when your advertisement is approved and when your listing is about to expire. We never send you advertisements in unsolicited emails and we never sell, rent, or let become available any of your private contact information.


We use the highest quality customized software available to provide this directory and our server is constantly monitored. Your security is of the highest importance to us. If you are submitting an advertisement then upon completion of filling out the form you will be directed to our payment processor, Stripe, to complete your payment. Stripe utilizes secure server technology which protects your privacy and personal financial information when making payments.

Listing Privacy

Your listing on Thailand Luxury Homes will display only the information that you submit and wish to have visible to site visitors. Your email address remains private and in no circumstances will it be displayed. You are provided a private contact form for your advertisement and the form will display for users to contact you, but they or bots will not be able to see or find your email address on the site. If you receive an email from your contact form and you reply, then and only then will the user will have your email address which is the same as replying from any email.

Policy Changes

If any changes or amendments to the privacy policy are made, they will be posted on this page.

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